Certificate of Recognition External Auditing Services
Susan is a Certified External Auditor by the bcmsa.ca, which allows her to audit any organizations that fall under their oversight. Having this knowledge allows her an inside track into the specifics of what the COR audit looks for. She led her previous employer through 16 Internal and External successful audits, with two separate companies each scoring 97% in 2023.
The COR Audit consists of eight elements, which together provide a solid measurement of the overall Safety Management System validated through the review of documentation, a tour of the worksite and interviews with Managers, Supervisors and on-site Workers.
Organizational Commitment
Programs and Procedures
Hazard Identification, Assessments and Controls
Training and Education
Site Inspections
Injury, Incident and Near Miss Investigations
Program Administration
Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
REC uses a human-centred approach through every stage of the audit process and with all levels of the organization, treating everyone with the same level of respect regardless of their position. We recognize the amount of work that goes into a successful safety program and want to provide the employer with every opportunity to showcase it. As the COR is optional, we don’t believe it should be a painful or stressful process for anyone involved, either in the preparation or in the audit itself.
BCMSA External Audits successfully completed in 2023:
Metro Vancouver Regional District
City of Abbotsford
Delta Community Living Society